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Main roboherd module. Should contain all necessary elements to build a robocow

Activity = Annotated[dict, Depends(get_activity)] module-attribute

The activity parsed by muck_out

ActivityFactory = Annotated[BovineActivityFactory, Depends(get_activity_factory)] module-attribute

EmbeddedObject = Annotated[dict, Depends(get_embedded_object)] module-attribute

The embedded object in the activity as parsed by muck_out

MarkdownPoster = Annotated[MarkdownPublisher, Depends(get_markdown_poster)] module-attribute

A function that takes a markdown string and posts it as the content of a note

ObjectFactory = Annotated[BovineObjectFactory, Depends(get_object_factory)] module-attribute

ParsedData = Annotated[dict, Depends(get_parsed)] module-attribute

The parsed data as transformed by muck_out

PublishActivity = Annotated[Publisher, Depends(construct_publish_activity)] module-attribute

Allows one to publish an activity as the actor. Assumes cattle_grid has the extension simple_object_storage or equivalent

PublishObject = Annotated[Publisher, Depends(construct_publish_object)] module-attribute

Allows one to publish an object as the actor. Assumes cattle_grid has the extension simple_object_storage or equivalent

RawData = Annotated[dict, Depends(get_raw)] module-attribute

The raw data as received by cattle_grid

RoboCow dataclass

RoboCow(information: roboherd.cow.types.Information, auto_follow: bool = True, skip_profile_update: bool = False, internals: roboherd.cow.RoboCowInternals = )


Name Type Description Default
information Information

Information about the cow

auto_follow bool

Whether to automatically accept follow requests

skip_profile_update bool

When set to True the profile is not updated automatically. Useful when managing a cow from multiple scripts.

internals RoboCowInternals

Internal data for the cow

Source code in roboherd/cow/
class RoboCow:
    information: Information = field(
        metadata=dict(description="Information about the cow")

    auto_follow: bool = field(
            description="""Whether to automatically accept follow requests"""

    skip_profile_update: bool = field(
            description="When set to True the profile is not updated automatically. Useful when managing a cow from multiple scripts."

    internals: RoboCowInternals = field(
        metadata=dict(description="Internal data for the cow"),

    def create(**kwargs):
        """Creates a new cow. We note that
        `RoboCow.create(name="my name")` is equivalent
        to `RoboCow(information=Information(name="my name"))`.
        return RoboCow(information=Information(**kwargs))

    def action(self, action: str = "*", activity_type: str = "*"):
        """Adds a handler for an event. Use "*" as a wildcard.


        cow = Robocow(information=Information(handle="example"))

        @cow.action(action="outgoing", activity_type="Follow")
        async def handle_outgoing_follow(data):

        config = HandlerConfiguration(

        def inner(func):
            config.func = func
            self.internals.handlers.add_handler(config, func)
            return func

        return inner

    def cron(self, crontab):
        def inner(func):
            self.internals.cron_entries.append(CronEntry(crontab, func))

            return func

        return inner

    def incoming(self, func):
        """Adds a handler for an incoming message. Usage:

        cow = Robocow("example")

        async def handle_incoming(data):
        config = HandlerConfiguration(
        self.internals.handlers.add_handler(config, func)
        return func

    def incoming_create(self, func):
        """Adds a handler for an incoming activity if the
        activity is of type_create

        cow = Robocow("example")

        async def handle_incoming(data):
        config = HandlerConfiguration(
            action="incoming", activity_type="Create", func=func
        self.internals.handlers.add_handler(config, func)
        return func

    def startup(self, func):
        """Adds a startup routine to be run when the cow is started."""

        self.internals.startup_routine = func

    async def run_startup(self, connection: Almabtrieb):
        """Runs when the cow is birthed"""

        if self.internals.profile is None:
            if not self.internals.actor_id:
                raise ValueError("Actor ID is not set")
            result = await connection.fetch(
                self.internals.actor_id, self.internals.actor_id
            if not
                raise ValueError("Could not retrieve profile")
            self.internals.profile =

        if self.internals.cron_entries:
            frequency = ", ".join(
                get_description(entry.crontab) for entry in self.internals.cron_entries
            self.information.frequency = frequency

        if not self.skip_profile_update:
            await self._run_profile_update(connection)

        if self.internals.startup_routine:
            await inject(self.internals.startup_routine)(
                cow=self,  # type:ignore
                connection=connection,  # type:ignore
                actor_id=self.internals.actor_id,  # type:ignore
            )  # type:ignore

    async def _run_profile_update(self, connection: Almabtrieb):
        if self.internals.profile is None:
            raise ValueError("Profile is not set")

        update = determine_profile_update(self.information, self.internals.profile)

        if update:
  "Updating profile for %s", self.information.handle)

            await connection.trigger("update_actor", update)

action(action='*', activity_type='*')

Adds a handler for an event. Use “*” as a wildcard.


cow = Robocow(information=Information(handle="example"))

@cow.action(action="outgoing", activity_type="Follow")
async def handle_outgoing_follow(data):
Source code in roboherd/cow/
def action(self, action: str = "*", activity_type: str = "*"):
    """Adds a handler for an event. Use "*" as a wildcard.


    cow = Robocow(information=Information(handle="example"))

    @cow.action(action="outgoing", activity_type="Follow")
    async def handle_outgoing_follow(data):

    config = HandlerConfiguration(

    def inner(func):
        config.func = func
        self.internals.handlers.add_handler(config, func)
        return func

    return inner

create(**kwargs) staticmethod

Creates a new cow. We note that RoboCow.create(name="my name") is equivalent to RoboCow(information=Information(name="my name")).

Source code in roboherd/cow/
def create(**kwargs):
    """Creates a new cow. We note that
    `RoboCow.create(name="my name")` is equivalent
    to `RoboCow(information=Information(name="my name"))`.
    return RoboCow(information=Information(**kwargs))


Adds a handler for an incoming message. Usage:

cow = Robocow("example")

async def handle_incoming(data):
Source code in roboherd/cow/
def incoming(self, func):
    """Adds a handler for an incoming message. Usage:

    cow = Robocow("example")

    async def handle_incoming(data):
    config = HandlerConfiguration(
    self.internals.handlers.add_handler(config, func)
    return func


Adds a handler for an incoming activity if the activity is of type_create

cow = Robocow("example")

async def handle_incoming(data):
Source code in roboherd/cow/
def incoming_create(self, func):
    """Adds a handler for an incoming activity if the
    activity is of type_create

    cow = Robocow("example")

    async def handle_incoming(data):
    config = HandlerConfiguration(
        action="incoming", activity_type="Create", func=func
    self.internals.handlers.add_handler(config, func)
    return func

run_startup(connection) async

Runs when the cow is birthed

Source code in roboherd/cow/
async def run_startup(self, connection: Almabtrieb):
    """Runs when the cow is birthed"""

    if self.internals.profile is None:
        if not self.internals.actor_id:
            raise ValueError("Actor ID is not set")
        result = await connection.fetch(
            self.internals.actor_id, self.internals.actor_id
        if not
            raise ValueError("Could not retrieve profile")
        self.internals.profile =

    if self.internals.cron_entries:
        frequency = ", ".join(
            get_description(entry.crontab) for entry in self.internals.cron_entries
        self.information.frequency = frequency

    if not self.skip_profile_update:
        await self._run_profile_update(connection)

    if self.internals.startup_routine:
        await inject(self.internals.startup_routine)(
            cow=self,  # type:ignore
            connection=connection,  # type:ignore
            actor_id=self.internals.actor_id,  # type:ignore
        )  # type:ignore


Adds a startup routine to be run when the cow is started.

Source code in roboherd/cow/
def startup(self, func):
    """Adds a startup routine to be run when the cow is started."""

    self.internals.startup_routine = func