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Predefined Steps

In order to use these steps with behave, you have to create a file like

from cattle_grid.testing.features.steps import *  # noqa

in your steps directory.


actor_deletes_themselves async

actor_deletes_themselves(context, alice)
When "Alice" deletes herself
When "Bob" deletes himself
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{alice}" deletes herself')
@when('"{alice}" deletes himself')
async def actor_deletes_themselves(context, alice):
    When "Alice" deletes herself
    When "Bob" deletes himself
    alice_id = context.actors[alice].get("id")

    await publish_as(
            "actor": alice_id,


new_user(context, username)

Creates a new user

Usage example:

Given A new user called "Alice"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@given('A new user called "{username}"')
def new_user(context, username):
    """Creates a new user

    Usage example:

    Given A new user called "Alice"
    hostname = {"alice": "abel", "bob": "banach", "Bob": "banach"}.get(username, "abel")

        Given A new user called "{username}" on "{hostname}"

update_profile async

update_profile(context, alice)
When "Alice" updates her profile
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{alice}" updates her profile')
async def update_profile(context, alice):
    When "Alice" updates her profile

    for connection in context.connections.values():
        await connection.clear_incoming()

    alice_id = context.actors[alice].get("id")

    msg = UpdateActorMessage(
        actor=alice_id, profile={"summary": "I love cows"}

    await publish_as(context, alice, "update_actor", msg)


accept_follow_request async

accept_follow_request(context, actor)

Checks that Alice received a follow Activity and then accepts this follow activity

When "Alice" sends an Accept to this Follow Activity
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{actor}" sends an Accept to this Follow Activity')
async def accept_follow_request(context, actor):
    """Checks that Alice received a follow Activity and then
    accepts this follow activity

    When "Alice" sends an Accept to this Follow Activity
    result = await context.connections[actor].next_incoming()
    received_activity = result.get("data")
    if "raw" in received_activity:
        received_activity = received_activity["raw"]

    logger.debug("Got follow request:")

    assert received_activity["type"] == "Follow"

    follow_id = received_activity["id"]
    to_follow = received_activity["actor"]

    alice = context.actors[actor]
    activity_factory, _ = factories_for_actor_object(alice)

    activity = activity_factory.accept(follow_id, to={to_follow}).build()
    activity["id"] = "accept:" + str(uuid4())

    await publish_as(
        context, actor, "send_message", send_message_as_actor(alice, activity)


actor_follows_other(context, bob, alice)

Combination of two steps, i.e.

When "Alice" follows "Bob"

is the same as

When "Alice" sends "Bob" a Follow Activity
And "Bob" sends an Accept to this Follow Activity
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@given('"{bob}" follows "{alice}"')
def actor_follows_other(context, bob, alice):
    """Combination of two steps, i.e.

    When "Alice" follows "Bob"

    is the same as

    When "Alice" sends "Bob" a Follow Activity
    And "Bob" sends an Accept to this Follow Activity

    logger.debug("Available conections %s", ", ".join(context.connections.keys()))

    if alice not in context.connections:
        When "{bob}" sends "{alice}" a Follow Activity
        When "{bob}" sends "{alice}" a Follow Activity
        And "{alice}" sends an Accept to this Follow Activity

automatically_accept_followers async

automatically_accept_followers(context, alice)

FIXME: Should toggle

Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@given('"{alice}" automatically accepts followers')
async def automatically_accept_followers(context, alice):
    """FIXME: Should toggle"""

    actor = context.actors[alice]

    await publish_as(
        {"actor": actor.get("id"), "autoFollow": True},

send_follow async

send_follow(context, alice, bob)

Sends a follow Activity. Usage

When "Alice" sends "Bob" a Follow Activity

Stores the follow activity in context.follow_activity

Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{alice}" sends "{bob}" a Follow Activity')
async def send_follow(context, alice, bob):
    """Sends a follow Activity. Usage

    When "Alice" sends "Bob" a Follow Activity

    Stores the follow activity in `context.follow_activity`
    alice_actor = context.actors[alice]
    bob_id = context.actors[bob].get("id")
    activity_factory, _ = factories_for_actor_object(alice_actor)

    context.follow_id = "follow:" + str(uuid4())

    context.follow_activity = activity_factory.follow(
        bob_id, id=context.follow_id

    await publish_as(
        send_message_as_actor(alice_actor, context.follow_activity),

send_reject_follow async

send_reject_follow(context, alice, bob)

Sends an Undo Follow activity for the follow activity with id stored in context.follow_activity.


When "Alice" sends "Bob" a Reject Follow Activity
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{alice}" sends "{bob}" a Reject Follow Activity')
async def send_reject_follow(context, alice, bob):
    """Sends an Undo Follow activity for the follow activity
    with id stored in `context.follow_activity`.


    When "Alice" sends "Bob" a Reject Follow Activity
    actor = context.actors[alice]
    activity_factory, _ = factories_for_actor_object(actor)

    activity = activity_factory.reject(context.follow_activity).build()
    if isinstance(activity["object"], dict):
        activity["object"] = activity["object"]["id"]

    activity["id"] = "reject:" + str(uuid4())

    await publish_as(
        context, alice, "send_message", send_message_as_actor(actor, activity)

send_undo_follow async

send_undo_follow(context, bob, alice)

Sends an Undo Follow activity for the follow activity with id stored in context.follow_activity.


When "Bob" sends "Alice" an Undo Follow Activity
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{bob}" sends "{alice}" an Undo Follow Activity')
async def send_undo_follow(context, bob, alice):
    """Sends an Undo Follow activity for the follow activity
    with id stored in `context.follow_activity`.


    When "Bob" sends "Alice" an Undo Follow Activity
    actor = context.actors[bob]
    activity_factory, _ = factories_for_actor_object(actor)

    activity = activity_factory.undo(context.follow_activity).build()
    if isinstance(activity["object"], dict):
        activity["object"] = activity["object"]["id"]

    activity["id"] = "undo:" + str(uuid4())

    await publish_as(
        context, bob, "send_message", send_message_as_actor(actor, activity)


check_collection async

check_collection(context, alice, bob, collection)

Used to check if the followers or following collection of the actor bob does not contain the actor alice.

Then The "followers" collection of "bob" does not include "alice"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@then('The "{collection}" collection of "{bob}" does not include "{alice}"')
async def check_collection(context, alice, bob, collection):
    """Used to check if the followers or following collection
    of the actor `bob` does not contain the actor `alice`.

    Then The "followers" collection of "bob" does not include "alice"
    result = await fetch_request(

    actor = context.actors[alice].get("id")

    if "raw" in result:
        result = result["raw"]

    assert result.get("type") == "OrderedCollection"
    assert actor not in result.get("orderedItems", [])

check_collection_contains async

check_collection_contains(context, alice, bob, collection)

Used to check if the followers or following collection of the actor bob contains the actor alice.

Then The "followers" collection of "bob" contains "alice"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@then('The "{collection}" collection of "{bob}" contains "{alice}"')
async def check_collection_contains(context, alice, bob, collection):
    """Used to check if the followers or following collection
    of the actor `bob` contains the actor `alice`.

    Then The "followers" collection of "bob" contains "alice"
    result = await fetch_request(

    bob_id = context.actors[alice].get("id")

    if "raw" in result:
        result = result["raw"]

    assert result.get("type") == "OrderedCollection"
    assert bob_id in result.get("orderedItems", [])



check_activity_type(context, activity_type)

Checks that the received activity from cattle_grid.testing.features.steps.messaging.receive_activity is of type activity_type.

Then the received activity is of type "Update"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@then('the received activity is of type "{activity_type}"')
def check_activity_type(context, activity_type):
    """Checks that the received activity from [cattle_grid.testing.features.steps.messaging.receive_activity][]
    is of type `activity_type`.

    Then the received activity is of type "Update"

    received = context.activity
    if "raw" in received:
        received = received["raw"]

    import json

    print(json.dumps(received, indent=2))

    assert received.get("type") == activity_type, (
        f"Activity {received} has the wrong type"

check_message async

check_message(context, actor, text)

Used to check if the last message received by actor is saying the correct thing.

Then "bob" receives a message saying "Got milk?"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@then('"{actor}" receives a message saying "{text}"')
async def check_message(context, actor, text):
    """Used to check if the last message received by actor
    is saying the correct thing.

    Then "bob" receives a message saying "Got milk?"

    data = await context.connections[actor].next_incoming()

    assert data.get("event_type") == "incoming"
    activity = data.get("data")

    if "raw" in activity:
        activity = activity["raw"]

    assert activity.get("type") == "Create", f"got {activity}"
    assert activity.get("@context"), f"got {activity}"

    obj = activity.get("object", {})
    assert obj.get("content") == text, f"""got {obj.get("content")}"""

    context.received_object = obj

not_receive_activity async

not_receive_activity(context, actor)

Ensures that no incoming activity was received

Then "bob" does not receive an activity
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@then('"{actor}" does not receive an activity')
async def not_receive_activity(context, actor):
    """Ensures that no incoming activity was received

    Then "bob" does not receive an activity

        result = await context.connections[actor].next_incoming()

        assert result is None, f"Received activity {json.dumps(}"
    except NoIncomingException:

receive_activity async

receive_activity(context, actor)

Ensures that an incoming activity was received and stores it in context.activity.

Then "bob" receives an activity
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@then('"{actor}" receives an activity')
async def receive_activity(context, actor):
    """Ensures that an incoming activity was received
    and stores it in `context.activity`.

    Then "bob" receives an activity

    data = await context.connections[actor].next_incoming()
    assert data.get("event_type") == "incoming"

    context.activity = data["data"]["raw"]

    assert context.activity["@context"]

send_message async

send_message(context, actor, target, text)

Used to send a message. The message has the format (with a lot of stuff omitted)

    "type": "Create",
    "object": {
        "type": "Note",
        "content": text,
        "to": [actor_id_of_target]

This step can be used as

When "alice" sends "bob" a message saying "You stole my milk!"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{actor}" sends "{target}" a message saying "{text}"')
async def send_message(context, actor, target, text):
    """Used to send a message. The message has the format (with a lot of stuff omitted)

        "type": "Create",
        "object": {
            "type": "Note",
            "content": text,
            "to": [actor_id_of_target]

    This step can be used as

    When "alice" sends "bob" a message saying "You stole my milk!"
    alice = context.actors[actor]
    activity_factory, object_factory = factories_for_actor_object(
        alice, id_generator=id_generator_for_actor(alice)

    bob_id = context.actors[target].get("id")

    note = object_factory.note(content=text, to={bob_id}).build()
    activity = activity_factory.create(note).build()

    await publish_as(
        send_message_as_actor(alice, activity),

send_message_followers async

send_message_followers(context, actor, text)

Used to send a message to the followers. The message has the format (with a lot of stuff omitted)

    "type": "Create",
    "object": {
        "type": "Note",
        "content": text,
        "to": [followers_collection_of_actor]

This step can be used as

When "alice" messages her followers "Got milk?"
Source code in cattle_grid/testing/features/steps/
@when('"{actor}" messages her followers "{text}"')
async def send_message_followers(context, actor, text):
    """Used to send a message to the followers. The message has the format (with a lot of stuff omitted)

        "type": "Create",
        "object": {
            "type": "Note",
            "content": text,
            "to": [followers_collection_of_actor]

    This step can be used as

    When "alice" messages her followers "Got milk?"
    for connection in context.connections.values():
        await connection.clear_incoming()

    alice = context.actors[actor]

    activity_factory, object_factory = factories_for_actor_object(
        alice, id_generator=id_generator_for_actor(alice)
    note = object_factory.note(content=text).as_followers().build()
    activity = activity_factory.create(note).build()

    await publish_as(
        send_message_as_actor(alice, activity),