Let’s assume that cattle grid is running on its own domain
. Then you can give the
cattle grid actor the id https://cattlegrid.yourdomain.example/actor
For how to use cattle_grid together with an application, see the corresponding bovine_herd tutorial.
Setting up cattle grid
First cattle_grid can be installed from PyPI via
Then one can create the configuration file (including generating public and private keys) using
where you have to enter an actor id, We assume for this that you use
. The details for this
command are
The configuration is stored in the cattle_grid.toml
. The details of
the config object are available here.
We furthermore, recommend that you set up a blocklist using for example Seirdy’s FediNuke by running
You can now run cattle_grid via
systemd unit
To run cattle_grid as a systemd service, the unit file would look like
Description=cattle grid
ExecStart=uvicorn --factory cattle_grid:create_app --uds /tmp/cattle_grid.sock
Reverse Proxies
The request flow in using a reverse proxy is explained in request flow.
The development environment uses nginx as its reverse proxy. It is configured via
Development configuration
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen 80;
access_log /dev/stdout;
server_name cattle_grid;
location / {
# auth_request /auth/auth;
# auth_request_set $requester $upstream_http_x_cattle_grid_requester;
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/auth/;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr;
# proxy_set_header X-Cattle-Grid-Requester $requester;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
location = /auth {
location /ws/ {
proxy_pass http://rabbitmq:15675;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_read_timeout 86400; # neccessary to avoid websocket timeout disconnect
proxy_send_timeout 86400; # neccessary to avoid websocket timeout disconnect
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_buffering off;
server {
listen 80;
server_name abel banach;
location / {
auth_request /auth;
auth_request_set $requester $upstream_http_x_cattle_grid_requester;
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/ap/;
proxy_set_header X-AP-Location "$scheme://$host$request_uri";
proxy_set_header X-Cattle-Grid-Requester $requester;
location /simple_storage/ {
auth_request /auth;
auth_request_set $requester $upstream_http_x_cattle_grid_requester;
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/simple_storage;
# proxy_pass http://storage/;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-AP-Location "$scheme://$host$request_uri";
proxy_set_header X-Cattle-Grid-Requester $requester;
location = /auth {
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/auth/auth;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Original-Method $request_method;
proxy_set_header X-Original-Host $host;
A summary of the steps now follows.
Serve the cattle_grid actor
server {
listen 80;
server_name cattle_grid;
location / {
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/auth/;
location = /auth {
This is used to serve the actor used to make requests for
public keys and its webfinger. proxy_pass
should point to your application. location = /auth
that auth requests cannot be verified from the outside.
Serving your application
server {
listen 80;
server_name abel banach;
location / {
auth_request /auth;
auth_request_set $requester $upstream_http_x_cattle_grid_requester;
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/ap/;
proxy_set_header X-AP-Location "$scheme://$host$request_uri";
proxy_set_header X-Cattle-Grid-Requester $requester;
This is the first part of configuring your application. This
part serves the content. The auth_request
makes the authentication request to cattle_grid.auth
makes the header available
in the following request. proxy_pass
should point
to your application. proxy_set_header
sets two
relevant headers.
Secure the auth endpoint
location = /auth {
proxy_pass http://cattle_grid_app/auth/auth;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Original-Method $request_method;
proxy_set_header X-Original-Host $host;
This is the second part. It tells to forward the
auth request to cattle_grid.auth
and provides the
necessary information.
A disabled option in docker-compose.yml
can be used to run
banach through caddy. This is done with the following configuartion file.
Development configuration
auto_https off
:80 {
forward_auth cattle_grid_app:80 {
uri /auth/auth
header_up X-Original-URI {uri}
header_up X-Original-Method {method}
header_up X-Original-Host {host}
header_up X-Original-Port {port}
copy_headers X-Cattle-Grid-Requester
vars ap_location "{scheme}://{host}{uri}"
handle_path /* {
rewrite * /ap{path}
reverse_proxy cattle_grid_app:80 {
header_up X-AP-Location "{vars.ap_location}"
Serving your app
:80 {
vars ap_location "{scheme}://{host}{uri}"
handle_path /* {
rewrite * /ap{path}
reverse_proxy cattle_grid_app:80 {
header_up X-AP-Location "{vars.ap_location}"
The above snippet can be used to serve your application. Here vars
is used to defined
the true location before rewriting ti and
sending to the proxied application.
Configuring authentication
The following block replaces the ...
in the above one.
forward_auth cattle_grid_app:80 {
uri /auth/auth
header_up X-Original-URI {uri}
header_up X-Original-Method {method}
header_up X-Original-Host {host}
copy_headers X-Cattle-Grid-Requester
The functionality is the same as for nginx.