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Quickstart for cattle_grid.auth

cattle_grid.auth is just the authorization component of cattle_grid. As described in request_flow and configuration one can use it to take care of checking HTTP signatures, as an authentication step before processing the request.

  • Authentication

    Instead of checking HTTP Signatures, including resolving public keys yourself. You can let cattle_grid.auth handle it.

  • Blocks

    cattle_grid.auth allows you to manage a block list that is done on authentication level. This can be used as a first block list that contains the worst offenders.

  • OpenAPI

Basic installation

First install cattle_grid from pypi via

pip install cattle_grid

To configure cattle_grid.auth, you need to supply the actor id used to fetch public keys, e.g.

python -mcattle_grid.auth new-config\

where you have to replace your_domain.example with your domain name. The path parameter can also be freely chosen. By inspecting cattle_grid_auth.toml, you can see that a public and private key was generated for this actor, e.g.

enabled = true
actor_id = "http://cattle_grid/cattle_grid_actor"
actor_acct_id = "acct:4ILq9osJUscnVDwe@cattle_grid"
public_key = """
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
private_key = """

This finishes the configuration of cattle_grid.

Configuring reject unsigned pure ActivityPub requests

We consider a request an ActivityPub request if it has the accept header

accept: application/activity+json


accept: application/ld+json; profile=""

or both. If a request has no other accept header pieces, we consider it a pure ActivityPub request.

The default behavior of cattle_grid.auth is to reject unsigned pure ActivityPub requests. You can disable this behavior by setting

require_signature_for_activity_pub = false

Set the variable to true to keep the default behavior.


If unsigned requests are rejected for appropriate accept headers, it is reasonable behavior to serve the fallback option, whenever the x-cattle-grid-requester header is unset (or empty).

Configuring the database

By adding

db_uri = "sqlite://other.db"

enabled = true

one can change the db file that cattle_grid.auth is using. Similarly by setting

db_uri = "postgres://postgres:pass@postgres"

one can set it to use a postgres database.

Running cattle_grid

You can now run cattle grid via

uvicorn --factory cattle_grid.auth:create_app

Then one needs to run

python -mcattle_grid.config

For the exposed routes see OpenAPI specification.


cattle_grid does not check that the digest is correct. This is the responsibility of your application. One can consider this a performance optimization, as it means that nginx only needs to transmit the headers to cattle_grid in order to get the authentication result.


The blocklist of cattle_grid.auth is another toml file.

auth.domain_blocks = [

By running

python -mcattle_grid.auth block

one can view the commands available for managing the blocklist.