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Public identifiers

In this document, we will discuss how cattle_grid manages identifiers, and related properties for actors managed by it. The problem of discovering, verifying, and managing the identifiers associated with remove accounts is separate.

Furthermore, some things such as

  • webfinger
  • The preferredUsername property of an actor

are parts of the public identifier logic.


cattle_grid has the concept of public identifiers, see cattle_grid.activity_pub.models.PublicIdentifier for their model. They represent the set of URIs that can be used to reference an actor.

In simplest terms public identifier is a mapping

flowchart LR
   I[Identifier] --> AU[Actor id]

where the actor id, would be considered a self mapping.


Generally for a public identifier pair (identifier, actor_id), webfinger should return

GET /.well-known/webfinger?resource=identifier
    "subject": identifier,
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "application/activity+json",
            "href": actor_id

We note that this jrd document might contain additional information.

Verifying identifiers

You obviously cannot use any identifier. The preferredUsername logic used by large parts of the Fediverse forces the identifier to be on the same domain as the actor.

The current implementation of cattle_grid verifies identifiers if

  • They are acct: URIs and the domain corresponds to one listed in the configuration base_urls.


Implement further verification methods

Properties of the actor object

The preferredUsername property

The preferredUsername property is determined via the method.


This feature exists to ensure compatibility with many Fediverse applications. cattle_grid itself does not allow you to set the preferredUsername property. It is as side effect of public identifiers.

The identifiers property

This contains an ordered list of the verified public identifiers. This means a server should display the first element of this list as the identifier of the actor (after verifying it of course).