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RabbitMQ Exchanges

cattle_grid uses topic exchanges. This means that every message has an attached routing key. These have the form of being separated by a dot ., e.g.


Types of Exchange

There are three exchanges used by cattle_grid:

  • The RawExchange: Handles incoming and outgoing messages as they are transferred to the Fediverse.
  • The ActivityExchange: You can subscribe to this exchange. Topics are organized by the type of activity, e.g. incoming.Follow and outgoing.Accept. Furthermore, this exchange is meant to contain the methods, e.g. send_message and update_actor.
  • The AccountExchange: This exchange contains the account name as part of the routing key, e.g. receive.Alice.incoming.

Message Flow

In the following, we will denote an exchange using a rounded box with the exchange name followed by the routing key in italics, e.g.

flowchart LR
E --> S

Square boxes are used to denote other objects. Arrows indicate the message flow.

Incoming messages

We now illustrate what happens when a message is send from an external Fediverse application to cattle_grid.

flowchart TD

    F[Fediverse] --> |"`ActivityPub
POST /inbox`"| R
    R -->|transformer| A
    R -->|transformer| A2
    A ==> YE[Your Extensions]
    A2 ==> YC[Your Client Applications]


The names used for the exchange can be configured via

activity_pub.internal_exchange = "cattle_grid_internal" # RawExchange = "cattle_grid" # ActivityExchange
activity_pub.account_exchange = "amq.topic" # AccountExchange

where the prescribed values are the default values.


Harmonize names