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ActivityPub Processing


This is meant as the cattle_grid internal processing, taking care of letting ActivityPub Actors be ActivityPub Actors that talk well with each other.

Please use exchange to run your own code.

  • OpenAPI

    Describes the HTTP routes offered by the included ActivityPub server.

  • AsyncAPI

    The ActivityPub processor has an AsyncAPI schema that can be expected to get a high level overview on which messages are handled by the cattle_grid processor.

cattle_grid is a middle ware that isolates your application from some of the complications of the Fediverse. For this it handles:

  • Authentication of both incoming and outgoing requests
  • Followers / Following management
  • Message distribution
  • Normalization of activities and objects


flowchart RL
    CGI@{ label: cattle_grid_internal }
    CG@{ label: cattle_grid }
    Fediverse@{ shape: processes }
    SE@{ shape: odd, label: "Side Effects" }
    YC@{ shape: odd, label: "Your Code" }
    classDef darkred fill:#f004

    Fediverse -->|Post /outbox| internal
    internal -->|Post,Get| Fediverse

    subgraph internal
        direction TB
        CGI:::darkred -->|AP processiing| SE

    subgraph exchange
        direction TB
        CG:::darkred ==> YC
        YC ==> CG

    internal --> exchange
    exchange --> internal

where RabbitMQ exchanges are slightly red. As long as your application does not need to modify standard behavior of the Fediverse, you will only need to interact with exchange.