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cattle_grid’s architecture has a few components, we will first define here:

  • Accounts serve as the main grouping things and internal authorization mechanism.
  • Fediverse / ActivityPub Actors belong to an account
  • RabbitMQ exchanges are used to both process incoming messages and send outgoing messages
  • Certain APIs are used to provide additional services

These things are all internal. The interface exposed to the Fediverse are the ActivityPub actors. In particular, the account has no meaning outside of cattle_grid.

Accounts and Actors

Each account has a unique name. This name is used in the AccountExchange to provide two routing_keys:

  • send.{account_name}
  • receive.{account_name}

which are accessible to this account. The receive topic contains all the activities meant for this account. The send topic can be used to send activities to the Fediverse.

Generally, administrative tasks should be performed through the API.


Distinguish what should be done via API and send topic

RabbitMQ Exchanges

cattle_grid has three exchanges:

  • The AccountExchange: For external applications
  • The ActivityExchange: For extensions
  • The internal exchange: That’s for preprocessing ActivityPub stuff. You shouldn’t have to interact with this one.

The ActivityExchange

Where the AccountExchange routes messages based on who it belongs to, as is useful for building user facing applications, the ActivityExchange routes messages based on the type of activity.

For example the simple storage plugin defines the routing key simple_storage_publish_activity. So, to use it you would send a message with content

    "type": "simple_storage_publish_activity",
    "actor": "acct:alice@abel",
    "activity": {
        "type": "AnimalSound",
        "attributedTo": "acct:alice@abel",
        "content": "moooo",
        "to": "acct:bob@banach",

The processing of the AccountExchange would then route this message to the ActivityExchange with the correct routing key.