cattle_grid is a different take on a Fediverse application than the more common monolithic social web server e.g. Mastodon. While both types of applications offer federation through ActivityPub, a social web server then provides one experience to its users. In particular, it restricts users to a certain subset of data the server understands.
Checking HTTP signatures is an ubiquitous problem of Fediverse implementations. cattle_grid can be used in combination with a reverse proxy to externalize this problem.
In particular, this allows to reject requests without processing their body.
cattle_grid is made to be modified by you. Instead of having a monolithic architecture, there are plenty of points, you can modify it.
Actor Management
cattle_grid manages your actors. Actors are grouped by account.
Open Source, MIT
Material for MkDocs is licensed under MIT and available on [GitHub]
cattle_grid is meant as an extensible middleware simplifying building Fediverse applications. A basic overview of the envisioned architecture is shown below:
flowchart LR
user@{ shape: circle, label: "User" }
app1@{ shape: lean-l, label: "Application 1"}
app2@{ shape: lean-l, label: "Application 2"}
Fediverse@{ shape: processes }
Fediverse -->|nginx| cattle_grid
cattle_grid -->|RabbitMq| app1
cattle_grid -->|RabbitMq| app2
app1 --> user
app2 --> user
Here cattle_grid takes care of the communication part of the Fediverse, this means that you will not have to worry about:
- managing followers
- managing block lists
- distributing messages
- the actor profile object
Other parts can be extended through extensions, for example cattle_grid provides the default lookup of an object treating its URI as an URL. Other lookup mechanisms can be implemented through extensions.
Software Dependencies
While other choices might be workable, cattle_grid is tested with the following components:
- nginx as a reverse proxy
- RabbitMQ as a message broker
- PostgreSQL as a database
- Redis as a cache (really a cache), this is also optional
- bovine is used to provide basic Fediverse features
- FastAPI is for the HTTP API
- faststream is used to connect to the message broker
One could make a longer list of choices made. As mentioned above one of the goals is to make extending cattle_grid possible. Unfortunately, this makes me force a lot of software choices on the possible implementer.
As a middleware
Instead of extending cattle_grid through extensions, one can also subscribe to either the ActivityExchange or the AccountExchange and make modifications from it. This reduces the number of choices imposed on you through cattle_grid, however it also limits the options (e.g. transformers and lookups are impossible like this).
cattle_grid is a python application based on bovine. It can be installed from PyPI via
The minimal configuration can then be done via
There will be more to configure, e.g.
- extensions
- block lists
- databases
Basic commands to run cattle_grid
You can run the HTTP server via
and the message processor via
Developing cattle_grid
cattle_grid uses astral-uv and docker to run tests, etc. First, clone the git repository, then install dependencies via
Formatting and linting
By running
you can format the code and by running
you can lint it.
Running unit tests
One can run the unit tests via
alternatively, one can run them using a watcher via
For example, to watch changes to all files, and only
run the tests in cattle_grid/exchange
Running the docker tests
First, you will need to download the fediverse-features using
the configuration for this is in fediverse-features.toml
Then start the docker compose setup via
This unfortunately takes a while, you can watch what is happening via
Once the containers are up (seen by docker compose up --wait
terminating), you can start the runner via
and then once it has started run the tests with
You can also use this containers to run the pytests and ruff. By running
one can change the AMQP server the tests connect to.
Modifying the database schema
After editing the models run
to generate the database migration.